The Carter Family

Thursday, October 11, 2012


We went up to the 5th floor and on to triage. The nurse at triage was NOT happy we showed up right as she was getting off her shift and showed us to our triage room and left us there for over 40 minutes! (I was seriously expecting to give birth right then and there in triage with no doctor or nurse)

By this time the shakes were in full force. I kind of thought that I got the shakes during labor because of the pitocin they always gave me but I didn't have any with this labor and I had the shakes pretty bad. Finally a little before 8AM a nurse came in and hooked me up to the fetal monitors. The first few contractions Zane's heart rate went down so she immediately left to call the doctor. By the time she came back his heart rate was stable which was sweet relief to me. She checked my cervix and I was at a 4 almost a 5. YAHOO! Headed to labor and delivery down the hall...

We had the nicest nurse in labor and delivery her name was Tish. We hit it off right immediately which brought peace to my heart and she ordered the epidural right away. Somebody had just gone in for a C-section so it would be a while. We joked about people who come in for a natural child birth and then either scream for the epidural or scream through the whole process (little did I know I would be one of those screamers :))

Tish checked on us often and was so kind and helpful. By the time the anesthesiologist made it in our room (my guess it was around (9:30AM) I WAS DYING FOR THAT EPIDURAL! I can't remember her name but she was so sweet too. Tish reassured me she was the best anesthesiologist they had (which I still believe she is) and before I knew it my epidural was in. As she was doing it I felt a "zing" on my right side which they said meant it hit the right side first so they had me lay on my left side to get the meds going to the left. I felt great relief and numbness on my left side pretty soon after that but nothing on my right. So my nurse had me hit the add more meds button a few times, switch sides and in a last resort had the anesthesiologist come back in and give me a boost....

STILL NOTHING. I seriously panicked. When they left the room I asked Troy for a blessing. Mind you before I went into labor Troy had given me a blessing and told me I would have the strength for this delivery and that I would be in expert hands. The on call doctor had been in a few times. He broke my water and asked me to do a few practice pushes. It was horrible. It was painful and I could feel everything on BOTH sides. This was 39 minutes before delivery. He left and about 10 minutes later I could feel Zane coming fast. So Troy called for the nurse who rushed the doctor in and sure enough Zane was ready to come.

About 20 minutes later Zane was born... It was the most incredible pain I have ever felt in my life to feel him move down the birthing canal and out to this world.

I am so thankful for the doctor and 2 nurses and Troy. They were all so patient with me. Zane was able to spend about an hour on my chest and it was wonderful! The hospital we delivered at is really weird about pictures during delivery. So our first few pictures are of him a few hours old!

After an hour of bonding time he was checked over by the nurses. Oh and he received a 8/9 on his APGAR. They noticed a little cyst like thing on his pee pee so they called down the NICU. They checked him over and felt like it would either go away or need to be popped. And before you know it we were headed to the 6th floor to the family unit.

PART III coming soon and MORE PICTURES!

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