Zane turned a month old the day before Halloween and here are a few pictures. He just turned 6 weeks old this past Sunday and is still in newborn diapers! However, his 0-3 month clothes will not fit him much longer because he is so long.
He is a pretty sweet baby! He struggles a lot with gas. :/ He loves to hold onto my fingers and I LOVE IT TOO! He is definitely a snuggle bunny and loves to sleep right next to mommy or in daddys arms. He is becoming more aware and smiles a lot (not on cue but just those sweet baby smiles). The older boys have been absolutely FANTASTIC with him. I think we are all being pretty patient with this new adjustment.
I am doing fabulous. A friend said to me the other day, boy you sure bounce back quickly and I tried to explain that its because I am so sick pregnant that when I am not pregnant I feel SO FANTASTIC! I have been to the gym almost everyday this last week which is good because my body shape has sure changed. I am down to my pre-Zane weight (and was back to that 2 weeks after birth, however I am very overweight so that doesn't count for much... And I only gained about 13 pounds in the pregnancy) but my weight has shifted to my hips and butt.
Things could be changing here in the Carter house in the next few months. I have no details to share yet but things will definitely be changing and some could be BIG changes for us. I am not sure how I feel about it all but putting your faith in God helps. Anyway... Here are a few pictures of Zane
You too make the CUTEST babies!!!! Miss and love you all TONS!